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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

PHC Update: Augustine Bad, Creationism Still Safe

Zuskateers who've been with me since way back when might recall a little bit I wrote about Patrick Henry College.  PHC has been in the news again lately.  Seems five of the 16 professors at PHC have left.  Over the issue of intellectual freedom. Because one of them gave a speech about Augustine who, you may be interested to know, is in hell, according to PHC's president, Mike Farris.  So naturally, Christians should not talk about him.  Especially if they don't also talk about the Bible.  Or whatever. 

Apparently, several of the professors could see that something like this was coming down the pike, and they made a pact that if one of them got fired, they would all quit.  One of them got fired.  Four of them quit in solidarity.  Four others did not.  I would like to note here that Jennifer Gruenke, the biology professor who teaches 7-day creationism, was not one of those who quit.  So we can all breath a sigh of relief that at PHC, the foes of Darwinian evolution will continue to be nurtured.    

A short piece about the controversy in the Chronicle of Higher Education's news blog drew 65 comments, as of the time I'm writing this.  I read most of them, and I had a couple of reactions. 

  • It isn't just us unwashed evolutionists that the Christian fundamentalists see as guilty of heresy, being an affront to all that is decent, and working against God's divine will.  Apparently, other Christian fundamentalists are just as bad - if they aren't the right sort of Christian fundamentalist.  Which is the Mike Farris sort, at least at PHC.  Though I'm guessing even he wouldn't pass muster at Pensacola Christian College.    


  • There seems to be a serious obssession, on the part of some Christian fundamentalists, with the need for rules to prevent immoral behavior.  Umm, aren't they Christians?  So presumably they aren't interested in immoral behavior?  Here's one student:

But I don’t understand why students would ever come to PHC in order to loosen rules they understand in advance—making the school just like dozens of other nominally Christian colleges, if a bit more academically rigorous.

This was said to a male student who would like to be able to go to McDonald's with a girl, and not have to be questioned by the Dean or call the girl's father to explain his behavior.  Bad, bad student.  Next thing you know, he'll be wanting to take her to the Natural History Museum and look at some fossils.     

Here's an exchange that begins with a student quoting another and then giving his response:

“What I talked about in my post was a different system of rules, not ‘looser moral strictures.’”

What would that system consist of? If it’s not looser (with the exception of your “business attire” concern), what is it? You say you’re concerned about “liberty,” so why not own up to “looser”?

“When I came to PHC, dancing was allowed on campus. Students could smoke and drink not far from campus. Girls could wear halter-tops and were not fined for accidental dress code violations.”

Well, I don’t understand that at all. I have been following the college since its inception, and I know that drinking and smoking have always been considered honor code violations, as long as students are under the jurisdiction of the school (which is to say any time they are not under the jurisdiction of parents). Similarly, it has always been my understanding that modest dress was required. I don’t see how halter tops are modest. I’ve been assuming you’re a man; do YOU think they’re modest? Or do you think, instead, that they are . . . interesting? What can be accidental about revealing clothing? This doesn’t sound honest to me. Back to your point: If what you say about these matters is true, I am amazed. I don’t understand the point of having an honor code or a dress code if they were truly ignored, as you suggest. If you are accurate, parents and students were egregiously misled.

Love the halter top commentary here.  I'm guessing our guy who's all for strict moral standards wouldn't be able to take his eyes off a babe in a halter top because he'd find it...interesting.  Even though he clearly thinks he's a better Christian than the loose morals dude.  Bad, bad women.  Jezebels.  Always tempting men away from godliness.  Leading them to McDonald's and the Natural History Museum. They must be covered up in modest dress, in order to protect the men.  How about a burka?   

“What I’m about is making PHC a better place. Why? Because this is what I think sets PHC apart: its commitment to Christ and liberty.”

Personally, I don’t see how that would set PHC apart in any way from loads of other Christian schools, if by liberty you mean fewer or looser rules. Again, if that isn’t what you mean, what DO you mean?

“If PHC is to be set apart by the strictness of its rules, I’m afraid there are several schools that go beyond even our standards. Is the school with the strictest standards the best?”

Of course not, but PHC is the only school I know of with high academic standards AS WELL AS high moral standards – which, by my lights although probably not by yours, means requirements that include modest dress, clean speech, and so forth.

Okay, Christian fundies, here's my question:  why do your high moral standards necessitate RULES?  If you have high moral standards, why don't you just go ahead and live by them?  Instead of, you know, running around checking whether or not your neighbor has violated the modest dress code.  Work on getting that timber out of your own eye, dude.  Then come chat with the rest of us about our specks. 

Answer:  They MUST have rules.  And most especially, they must have very strict rules at college.  College is practice time for adult life in the world.  College is where they learn how to impose morality and strictures for behavior upon each other.  It's where they learn how to monitor the behavior and beliefs of others, rather than focusing on what values and behaviors they want for themselves.  It's where they learn how to play holier than thou.  It's where they learn that it is okay - in fact, it is God's will - to make other people believe and behave exactly as you do.

How else could they grow up to be civic leaders who want to force their religion down the throats of everyone else in the nation and turn the U.S. into a theocratic police state? 

Parting thoughts:  It's no secret Christian fundamentalists are anti-homosexual.  What cracks me up is they make all these rules regulating the interaction of boys and girls, men and women, at their colleges.  At Pensacola Christian College, boys and girls are not allowed to touch at all, ever.  But boys and boys - go ahead, touch all you want.  Girls and girls?  Give her a big hug, hold hands, it's okay!  If I'm a homosexual Christian fundamentalist - PHC or Pensacola Christian wouldn't be such a bad place to hang out, you know?  Although - still not such a great place to learn science. 

8:35:52 PM    comment [] trackback []

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