Engineering/Science/Gender Equity
This category deals with gender equity in engineering and science education and in the workforce - issues of access, climate, and culture. This category also deals with feminist science theory and analyses being developed by those doing gender equity work in engineering & science. I discuss what might be missing from an adequate feminist theory of science and engineering, and what feminist insights might be missing from the "gender equity" analyses.




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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Hello, news fans!  I have added InkyCircus to the blogroll today.  Inky is actually - are actually? - three science journalists.  WOMEN science journalists!  Hoo ha!  Zuska looked upon their blog, and said "It is good".  Read about why they blog.  I anoint them and induct them into the Zuska pantheon of goddesses.   If you will recall, when I first told you about how to describe this blog, I explained that I am the Goddess of Science, the Empress of Engineering, and the Avenging Angel of Angry Women.  Also that I would tell you what everyone else is thinking but is afraid to say.  (Have I not lived up to my word so far?  I hope you've been pleased.)  Anyway, a science magazine for women is a very, very cool thing, and if it is anything at all like the InkyCircus blog, it will be awesome and funny and informative.  And do go read about microwavable bra parts because you be wanting to rush out and get yours soon! 


7:13:23 PM    comment []

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