Engineering/Science/Gender Equity
This category deals with gender equity in engineering and science education and in the workforce - issues of access, climate, and culture. This category also deals with feminist science theory and analyses being developed by those doing gender equity work in engineering & science. I discuss what might be missing from an adequate feminist theory of science and engineering, and what feminist insights might be missing from the "gender equity" analyses.




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Friday, November 11, 2005

Today's daily update from the Chronicle of Higher Education:

Justice Dept. to Sue Southern Illinois U. Over Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women

The U.S. Justice Department plans to sue Southern Illinois University over three fellowship programs reserved for minority-group members or women. Among the three programs being challenged is one that is financed by the National Science Foundation and operated according to NSF guidelines, university officials say.

If this opener has not made you puke up your breakfast cereal (SmartStart with fresh raspberries from Whole Foods - yummy), you, like Zuska, would read on to discover that Roger Clegg is behind all this.  Yes, Roger Clegg, in his tireless pursuit of justice from his Orwellian Center for Equal Opportunity, has seen fit to urge the U. S. Department of Justice to sue Southern Illinois U. because, among other reasons, Southern Illinois U. at Carbondale has managed to recruit 78 "black, Hispanic, Asian American, and/or American Indian" students to its graduate school programs since 2000.  Oh, and I forgot about those 27 women in the Graduate Dean's program in the last two years. 

White men have thus been robbed of 15.6 fellowship opportunties per year between 2000 and 2003, and 29.1 fellowship opportunities per year in in the last two years.  Of all the fellowship opportunities available at all the graduate schools in all the nation.  During which time, in engineering alone, they constituted 80% of graduate students.  Across the nation.  That's about 155,000 men, just to give you a sense of scale here.   

Perhaps the Justice Department could better spend its time by turning its attention to the Departments of Defense and Energy, and checking up on whether they are in compliance with Title IX, with their $9 billion, before it harasses poor Southern Illinois U. over its $200,000 worth of fellowships for bitches and colored folks. 

11:27:40 AM    comment []

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