For those of you who have been wondering what I've been up to in the knitting department this summer, here are some examples.
The sock monkey toque (toque: Canadian word for knitted winter hat) was the suggestion of my eldest daughter. She suggests, and I design and knit. It is a big hit and now everyone else in the family wants one too (including, oddly enough, my husband).
The blue sweater is based on a design in the book "Inspired Cable Knits" by Fiona Ellis. I added sleeves and changed the cable detail in the back at the top (see the last picture) such that it makes a more artfully shaped neckline that merges in at the shoulder with the neckline shaping of the front. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out, but it is unfortunately knit out of cotton that is a little too heavy to wear on really hot days, so I haven't worn it much yet. A nice feature of the sweater is that it has a bit of acrylic mixed with the cotton so it is fully machine washable and dryable. I can even iron it, which is usually a big no-no with knitting. It looks kind of blobby and mis-shapen here because I haven't blocked it and ironed it.