Friday, February 13, 2004

Bob Stepno found an interview with Len Apcar, editor in chief of NY Times on...


Bob Stepno found an interview with Len Apcar, editor in chief of NY Times on the Web, where he talks about blogs BloggerCon and the Times On The Trail site. "This will evolve. It still hasn't achieved my vision just yet. But it's off to a good start," says Apcar. [Scripting News]

1:27:11 PM    Trackback []

Two Boyds on YASNSes (Seb Paquet)


First up is the crib of danah boyd’s “Revenge of the User” presentation at the O’Reilly emerging technology conference, which offers a quick rundown of relevant sociological research then dives into an excellent illustrated tour of the issues and traps...


1:16:09 PM    Trackback []

Lurkers within

This is me - I'm a Lurker - hang out, I scan, I soak things up and then push ideas. My weblog has always been a place of reference for my thinking more than a place of commentary.

Lurking - Ton on Lurking and Weak Ties and their value in networks. Ton has a superb article on the value of lurkers and their weak ties and their power to help networks... [Robert Paterson's Weblog]

Interesting notes about lurkers and their significance. Inside companies I think there are, typically, less forums to lurk in. Developing a weblogging culture will help to promote the lurking within. Ton has also prompted me to wonder about whether there should be tools for lurkers. If we see lurking as a useful complement to participation, what can we do to facilitate it?[Curiouser and curiouser!]

9:35:22 AM    Trackback []