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Thursday, July 26, 2007

List of Learning Object Repositories.

This is a useful list of the major learning object repositories, divided into general and discipline-specific listings. The web pages are hosted by the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee at the Center for International Education. ____JH [EduResources Weblog--Higher Education Resources Online]

11:28:23 PM    comment []

BitTorrent Comes to Cell Phones. An anonymous reader writes "Finally, a BitTorrent interface for the mobile phone. Dubbed uTorrent mUI, the web user interface allows the end user to control torrent downloads remotely. The interface still lacks the ability to add torrents, however bringing BitTorrent capabilities to the cell phone is a giant step forward." Slashdot.
11:26:16 PM    comment []

BBC online video service launches. The BBC's flagship online TV service, called iPlayer, launches amid some concerns. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]
11:23:38 PM    comment []

Second Life Shuts Down Gambling. Tech.Luver sends us to The Inquirer, which notes the banning of all gambling in Second Life. Here is the Linden Labs blog post about the change in policy, which is, to say the least, not popular. From the article: "[T]he large chunk of users that enjoyed using in-world casinos and betting Linden Dollars on events both inside and outside the game world will now have nothing left to do. Perhaps more to the point for Linden, the move will cut off the revenues earned from those owning Casino-style islands in the game, the owners of which are some of the top contributors to the Linden coffers through currency fees and land rental.Read more of this story at Slashdot.
1:09:32 PM    comment []

New Ethernet Standard — Both 40 and 100 Gbps. Artemis recommends a blog entry that does a nice job of summarizing the history and current state of the Higher Speed Study Group and the IEEE's next-generation Ethernet standard. "When IEEE 802.3ba was originally proposed [there] were multiple possible speeds that were being discussed, including 40, 80, 100, and 120Gbps. While there options were eventually narrowed down to just two, 40 and 100Gbps, the HSSG had difficulties [deciding] on the one specific speed they wanted to become the new standard... [T]wo different groups formed, one which wanted faster server-to-switch connections at 40Gbps and one which wanted a more robust network backbone at 100Gbps... Unable to come up with a consensus the HSSG decided to standardize both 40Gbps and 100Gbps speeds...Read more of this story at Slashdot.
1:08:50 PM    comment []

Womb-on-a-chip may boost IVF successes. University of Tokyo scientists are building a microfluidic chip to nurture the first stages of pregnancy.

They hope, eventually, to create a fully automated artificial uterus in which egg and sperm are fed in at one end and an early embryo comes o... [ Accelerating Intelligence News]
1:07:55 PM    comment []

An Emotional Cat Robot. Utrecht University are endowing a robotic cat with a set of logical rules for simulated emotions to create more natural human and computer interactions.

By enabling the robot to form facial expressions using its eyebrows, eyelids, mouth, and head ... [ Accelerating Intelligence News]
1:07:17 PM    comment []

Matching Cancers With the Best Chemical Treatments. Roland Piquepaille writes "When oncologists meet a new patient affected by a cancer, they have to take decisions about the best possible treatment. Now, U.S. researchers have devised an algorithm which matches tumor profiles to best treatments. They've used a panel of 60 diverse human cancer cell lines from the National Cancer Institute — called NCI-60 — to develop their "coexpression extrapolation (COXEN) system." As said one researcher, "we believe we have found an effective way to personalize cancer therapy." Preliminary results have been encouraging and clinical trials are now planned."Read more of this story at Slashdot. -- BL- this is a beginning of evidence based personalized therapy --

11:53:43 AM    comment []

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