Updated: 9/12/2005; 10:02:35 AM.
Talk about computers, hardware, networking, you name it.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Panasonic SD Card Karaoke Microphone.

sdcardmic.jpg Now you can practice your ear-splitting rendition of Moon River everywhere you go! Just plug in Panasonic's latest SD Card Karaoke Microphone into any television set, and you're all set to rock the house. While the microphone will have some songs built-in, most of the songs and images will be stored on SD cards. To our knowledge, this is the only Karaoke Microphone with an SD card slot. We think there may be a market in Japan for SD cards already pre-loaded with karaoke songs, which, while not surprising, still keeps us awake at night. It looks like this is available only in Japan, so we're safe from late-night screeches of N'Sync songs from our next-door neighbors... for now.

Panasonic SD-Card Karaoke Microphone SY-MK30 [I4U]

3:18:09 PM    comment []

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