Updated: 9/12/2005; 10:02:35 AM.
Talk about computers, hardware, networking, you name it.

Friday, August 26, 2005

How to tell a good programmer from a bad one? The Lazy and Dumb programmer is the good one.

5:07:38 PM    comment []

Laptop Fuel Cell battery.

082405battery_150x214.jpgBattery maker Ultracell has announced they've developed a fuel cell that has twice the density of a lithium battery and that it will get a hell of a lot more juice than other standard cells.

"UltraCell's reformed methanol fuel cell, or RMFC, technology uses a micro reformer to generate fuel-cell-ready hydrogen from a highly concentrated methanol solution. The new portable power system has the density of a hydrogen fuel cell but uses readily available, low-cost methanol fuel in a compact package."
The Ultracell25 will be available in 2006 for professional, laptop, and industrial use. Really what they mean by industrial use is that you can get more than 10 minutes of game play on a Sega Game Gear.

Power source surges past lithium batteries [News.com]
High-power fuel cells go portable [Nature]

4:54:29 PM    comment []

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