Scobleizer Weblog

Daily Permalink Friday, January 04, 2002

Chris Pirillo asks on his blog why I don't have this site at something like I could. But I'm a cheapass bastard who doesn't wanna give Network Solutions anymore money than I have to.

Of course, Pirillo has for years written the blog. Now what kind of domain is that? Heheh.

6:29:21 PM    Comment [  

10 Most Anticipated PC Games of 2002 [Geeknews] Scobleizer comment: I wish I had time to play games.
10:47:01 AM    Comment [  

Sorry about the breakage: Yeah, Mike McBride is right. I broke you all and broke all the rules. Oh well.
9:39:33 AM    Comment [  

Don Box's Favorite Aspects of the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR). Scobleizer's comment: some things he doesn't tell you that suck about it:

1) No one has it yet. 2) It's about 20MB so shareware folks will avoid it for years. 3) It only runs on Windows (so far).

8:51:35 AM    Comment [  

Good morning: it's a new day in the Scoble world. Who will be Scobleized next?
8:35:01 AM    Comment [  

The truth about Steve Jobs' MacWorld announcement: Sexblogs has the the true story about what Steve Jobs is going to announce at MacWorld next week. It's not an iPod or a new iMac. It's an iBrator. Warning, this link contains sexual content so if you're not comfortable with such (or it'll get you fired cause you're at work), don't go there!
8:28:03 AM    Comment [  

Get online help: Eric Raymond has a good article about how to get help online.
1:47:20 AM    Comment [  

Cool OS X utilities: Jerry Kindall has a bunch of cool utilities for Mac OS X users.
1:46:33 AM    Comment [  

Blogrolling Dane: From the Desktop of Dane Carlson is a nice weblog. Glad I discovered it over at
1:36:39 AM    Comment [  

TechTV needs Radio: Leo Laporte is using Moveable Type to do his weblog. I can't wait to show him -- and you -- Radio UserLand 7.1.
1:34:23 AM    Comment [  

BlogTrip in our future? BlogCon2002 [Weblogs.Com Changes in RSS] Scobleizer comment: I wanna go to Vegas again this year. I had such a blast. Hey, maybe the Weblogger Interest Group would want to take a road trip?
1:26:52 AM    Comment [  

Cool photography and comment: Matt Haughey [Weblogs.Com Changes in RSS] Scobleizer's comment: I've been reading Matt for a long time. He's talented with both a keyboard and a camera and I hate him for that.
12:50:11 AM    Comment [  

No chance of winning: "The 2002 Bloggies" [Daypop Top 40] -- Scobleizer comment: I have no chance of winning since I only have 15 readers, unlike that Chris Locke fellow who has at least 18.
12:46:56 AM    Comment [  

Give me a desktop website: One advantage of having a desktop website is that the chances of you losing data is much less.

I just tried posting a long story over on my old Manila-run weblog (which isn't a desktop website) and the damn Internet screwed me over.

See, my phone rang and I picked it up. Now that's a problem, why? Cause my phone is one of those 2.4Ghz things and anytime I talk on it it messes up my 802.11b wireless connection. Anyway, the browser came back with an error message and my entire post was gone.

Believe me, it was a good one. I'll have to retell it later.

12:43:25 AM    Comment [  

Welcome to the new Scobleizer: I'm running on Radio UserLand 7.1. I wish I could tell you more about it, but if I did I'd:

  1. Bore you to tears.
  2. Get fired.
  3. Get my ass kicked for breaking an NDA.

So, you'll just have to wait for the marketing hype about Radio.

Instead, I think it's a good time for me to set out some goals for this weblog. What is the Scobleizer?

  1. It's a celebration of the Internet lifestyle. I live online. Just like most of you do. My family doesn't understand this. I instant message everyone. I send notes to folks via email, even if they are in the next room.
  2. It's a way for me to keep writing. I am compelled to write for some reason. This isn't a new disease for me. When I was a journalism student at San Jose State University in the early 90s I set a record for most articles written in a semester and I don't think that record has been broken yet.
  3. It's a way for me to share some of the people and experiences in my life with all of you.
  4. It's a way for me to pass along tips and news that I find out about the software industry.

So, how will the Scobleizer here change from the one I used to write? I don't know. It's a new year. It's a new lifestyle. I'm just getting to really understand just how much my life has changed in the past year.

Why don't you come along for the ride? I'm at If you send me some interesting email I'll post it here.

12:34:49 AM    Comment [  

I'm in love: A little more than a year ago I started weblogging. My first effort is here.

Now, I'm switching to Radio UserLand 7.1 which is easier to use and lets me weblog offline because it runs on my desktop. This is important to me, since I spend two hours a day on the train going to and from the office.

12:02:03 AM    Comment [  

January 2002
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Robert Scoble works at Microsoft. Everything here, though, is his personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. No warranties or other guarantees will be offered as to the quality of the opinions or anything else offered here.

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© Copyright 2004 Robert Scoble Last updated: 1/3/2004; 4:16:41 AM.