Scobleizer Weblog

Daily Permalink Sunday, January 13, 2002

What a weekend!

If there is a God, I'm wondering why he arranged for so much to happen in my life all at once? I mean, shipping a new product that gets 1000 downloads in a weekend while moving out, while telling my son about the changes that are happening in both of our lives. That was over the top.

But, what a feeling. For the first time in nine years I'm in charge of my home again. The pictures go where I want them. The clothes are arranged where I want them to be.

The feelings that I've been going through the past week are incredible. I'm trying to remember simply to breath and remember what this is like.

It's like being at the top of KT-22 in Squaw Valley with completely untracked snow. Total fear. Total exhilaration.

It's a chance to learn who I am and redefine who I am at the same time.

It's also time for me to reflect on what I did wrong in the past nine years and what I can do differently in the next nine years.

But, life is moving so fast right now it's hard to reflect adequately. There's so much to do. Dishes. Laundry. Buying stuff.

Oh, is buying stuff so much fun. Not.

I don't know why women like shopping. There's absolutely nothing fun about spending time in Target.

Hey, I have a table and chairs now.

Oh, and I fit in a movie this weekend too! I saw Ocean's 11 with a bunch of friends. Good movie. Not as exciting as my life lately, though. I think breaking into the Belagio's vault is easier than getting divorced.

But, let's turn away from my personal life.

What a team I work with here. They have been working nights and weekends for weeks now fixing bugs and issues and this weekend is no different.

I'm honored to be a part of it. The numbers of new weblogs we've seen pop up over the weekend is awesome.

I guess now everyone has the ability to write weblogs and tell us what's happening in their lives.

That's been my driving dream for the past 10 years since I was in Journalism School at San Jose State University. To help people publish their ideas, thoughts, feelings without constraints from technology or governments.

Now a good deal of the technical constraints are gone. Yeah, there's still more to go, but I watched my seven-year-old son type a weblog without any help needed from me so I know we're pretty darn close.

Now it's time to get the technology into everyone's hands. So far 1000 people have Radio UserLand. Only six billion to go.

10:28:42 PM    Comment [  

January 2002
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Robert Scoble works at Microsoft. Everything here, though, is his personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. No warranties or other guarantees will be offered as to the quality of the opinions or anything else offered here.

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