Scobleizer Weblog

Daily Permalink Tuesday, March 04, 2003

OK, it's pretty clear that Microsoft is getting RSS very quickly. I was talking with an exec over there (sorry, he doesn't have a blog and doesn't wanna be named) and he asked me all sorts of questions about RSS. Interesting that there's so much interest at Microsoft in the weblog world.

9:06:57 AM    Comment [  

I had a nightmare last night that Alan Meckler hired me to try to market his designed-by-committtee conference. Then I woke up. Whew. You know, I'm all into Guy Kawasaki's school of evangelism. If it's a good product, it'll be fun to evangelize. Meckler's is neither. One last thought for all you conference planners: "if you can't identify a strong theme (or three of them) then you have a conference designed by committee and you haven't done a good enough job. Searching Google for all the hot buzz words and writing them down on a sheet of paper does not a good conference make. Look at the past weekend. Stanford had a conference on a single (even esoteric) topic and got a very interesting audience to come (you think everyone at Joi's party was already here?) But, obviously I'm boring all of you now. Have a great Tuesday!

9:04:27 AM    Comment [  

My nine-year-old son admitted to me he has surfed a porn site at a friends house. Oh, boy. Turns out he visited His technology teacher had once told the class "don't visit that site." Which, of course, got him and his friends interested.

What a wacky world he lives in. The worst thing I ever had to deal with was a Playboy or two and "the Joy of Sex" that my parents had on their bookshelf.

I wonder, what effect is this having on the culture of our kids? Does this encourage them to be overly sexual? Is it truly harmful?

My first reaction (I learned of this two weeks ago) is no and no.

But, I don't yet have my thoughts together on the topic. I'd love to hear your experiences and see where it goes first. I'll keep watching and learning. Raising kids is pretty tough, isn't it?

12:31:53 AM    Comment [  

OK, I got my first "AudBlog" demo (audio blogging over a cell phone). Noah Glass' wife (Erin) shared chocolates with my wife. My wife noticed I couldn't keep my eye off of her. Hell, she's blonde, gorgeous, and she's a geek. I admit, my eye was roving a bit! (Erin is in this picture. Why does Marc Canter always get to hang out with the good looking women? (Marc was sitting with my wife too -- how's that for a "blog save?")

Picture of Dave Winer meeting Ben and Mena Trott from Moveable Type. I was standing next to Ben. Whoa, who cut me out of the photo? Just kidding. Chris Pirillo took this snap.

Here's some more pics, including one of me on Frank Boosman's site.

More photos on Kazuya Minami's blog. There I am again. Always holding the Tablet. Hey, I was afraid to put it down. Some of the geeks threatened to beat me up in the alley and take it from me.

12:17:46 AM    Comment [  

Jon Udell says "Today, there are still far too few Joe Professional Programmers who get what Zope is."

12:06:19 AM    Comment [  

March 2003
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Robert Scoble works at Microsoft. Everything here, though, is his personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. No warranties or other guarantees will be offered as to the quality of the opinions or anything else offered here.

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