Scobleizer Weblog

Daily Permalink Friday, March 14, 2003

Speaking of the NEC Tablet. It's now sold out and won't be available again until about April 20th. That's not quite true. Your Mobile Desk still has some left, but they are the last ones. Demand for our new tablet has been off the scale. I guess that's what happens when Bill Gates shows it around to everyone.

7:43:07 PM    Comment [  

Anyone who comes up with a OneNote FAQ after only having it for a few days is just fine in my book. Congrats to Ben Shorr. Even if he doesn't list our NEC tablet.

7:37:24 PM    Comment [  

Longtime friend Bob O'Brien is working hard in his Silicon Valley computer room to give us all an answer to spam. I remember Bob well. He'd give me heck in the DevX newsgroups everytime DevX would send out some spam. He got so angry (not just at DevX, either) that he spent a while researching the problem. He's come up with an interesting system, that I'll soon be beta testing. It's called "receptionist" and the way he describes it, it'll be a much simpler way to reduce the amount of spam currently making its way into all our in boxes. Oh yeah. He wants to give it away for free and make it a community project. It's coming soon to .

7:35:29 PM    Comment [  

Doc Searls asks "which companies blog?" Bummer, he doesn't list me. I blog and I work for NEC and make no bones about that fact. My best corporate work, though, isn't blogging at all. It's building a community. For instance, look at TabletPCBuzz's NEC Forum and TabletPCTalk's NEC Forum. Read all the comments. I'm getting a lot of love. Just for showing up.

7:27:21 PM    Comment [  

Any week you can share meals with Faisal, Winer, Pirillo, and Gold can't be too bad. Nathan Gold, by the way, is the famous "demo god" -- so bestowed by Chris Shipley, who should know. She runs the Demo conference.

Nathan had the best tips for sales guys. "Get to the demo" he says. Most sales people start their demos out with boring PowerPoint slides about their company and the mission. He says to forget all that and start the demo the first thing. Once you hook them with your killer product, then explain who your company is and why building a relationship with your company is so important.

I agree. I've been in so many user group meetings where the sales dood shows 20 PowerPoint slides before getting to the product. Boring. Lost me. Lost the sale. Get to the demo!

Now I know why Nathan is the demo god.

7:23:09 PM    Comment [  

March 2003
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Robert Scoble works at Microsoft. Everything here, though, is his personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. No warranties or other guarantees will be offered as to the quality of the opinions or anything else offered here.

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