Scobleizer Weblog

Daily Permalink Sunday, March 09, 2003

Marc Canter points to a new tool -- named FMRadio Station -- for Radio UserLand users. I gotta try this out!

4:35:00 PM    Comment [  

OK, I wrote the Corporate Weblogger's Manifesto, so now I gotta eat my own dogfood. Some of our customers are having troubles getting wireless working on their Tablets. I'm struggling here. Can anyone help? It's not a problem everyone is hitting (I've used ours here on dozens of WiFi networks without a problem) and I'm not sure if it's a configuration problem, or if there's something a little wacko. I know a lot of really hard core 802.11 gurus (Alan Reiter and Glenn Fleishman) read this weblog. Any ideas?

One thing about everyone having access to online resources is your customers (and potential customers) can read both what's great about your product, along with potential troubles.

My philosophy is, if you don't answer the troubles immediately (and admit they are there) things will be far worse for you than if you do point to them. Plus, there might be someone out there willing to help solve the problem.

3:38:38 PM    Comment [  

2:56:07 PM    Comment [  

You know, I really am blessed. It's not often that you can sit at dinner and literally see a chapter of Silicon Valley history closing (Dave's leaving and going to Harvard) and another chapter opening (Joi's working on some things that will write part of the future of Silicon Valley's story).

If you're interested in a particular industry or human endeavor, you should learn the history of what happened in that space. It's what came before that'll explain -- in large part -- what will come next. Plus, if you ever want to start a conversation, you can always take your friends to the historic places in that space.

I felt like last night Dave passed the Silicon Valley baton onto a new face (Dave leaving, Joi coming). I can't wait to see what happens next.

2:50:14 PM    Comment [  

To bang home the last point, a few weeks ago I loaded up a new version of Windows Server 2003. Of course, that means that the first time you visit a Web page all sorts of security alerts come up, particularly if you visit a site with Flash.

For me, I understand what each of these alerts means and I read them all very carefully and take the appropriate answer. My wife, on the other hand, just closes them all without reading them.

I wonder how to solve this problem. It's not a technology problem. It's a human problem. How do you get people to be smarter about security? You don't. In fact, that's why I like Microsoft's new stance "all new functionality is turned off by default and users must turn it on one-by-one." That leaves a far smaller footprint for the script kiddies to attack. It also means that only the smart users have stuff turned on.

11:32:17 AM    Comment [  

Why are Microsoft's products derided by computer users? Last night I got another chance to play on OSX. Man is the UI nice. But, WHY is it nice? It's the small things. For instance, this guy makes a very good point about how Windows doesn't do work in advance for you. It's the small things that infuriate computer users. Oh, and look at this guy's point that Microsoft's alerts are inefficient when compared to OSX's. I totally agree. These are small things, but just a little work on Microsoft's part could dramatically increase our enjoyment of computers. Thanks to Chris Pirillo for sending these to me.

11:22:09 AM    Comment [  

Hey, has anyone checked out the RSS search engine formerly known as Roogle yet? My name is one of the known words you can search for. Wild!

10:58:42 AM    Comment [  

Michael Amundsen continues to add new features to his suite at a very fast pace. Now he's added support for XML-RPC.

Update: Michael says: Actually, we've supported XML-RPC via the and metaWeblog API from the very first day. This latest release has better support for metaWeblog and now initial support for MovableType, too.

10:55:07 AM    Comment [  

My favorite thing I did this weekend? I took Joi Ito to see "the birthplace of Silicon Valley." (The original Hewlett Packard Garage). It took me a few minutes to figure out where it was in the dark (it's on Addison in Palo Alto). It's not often you get to take someone smart and show them the history of the place where you've spent the past 33 years.

Least favorite part? When Joi asked me if I knew who my state representatives were. I didn't, but then I knew that if I had access to a search engine I could find out.

10:53:12 AM    Comment [  

March 2003
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Robert Scoble works at Microsoft. Everything here, though, is his personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. No warranties or other guarantees will be offered as to the quality of the opinions or anything else offered here.

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