Usernum 1014 : There are no secrets, only information you don't yet have.
Updated: 1/5/03; 1:17:36 PM.


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Saturday, December 21, 2002

Just noticed a very kewl feature of using the outline2weblog tool. When starting a new post a title is required, which is the same as a title entered on the desktop website home page. I disoverd that Radio generates a shortcut with the title name for each post. Now all I have to do is type in a title of a post in quotes, and a link is generated automatically, like this one to my previoius posting beta report 1

6:40:43 PM    Discuss

It's been almost a week now since I started as the first, and as far as I know, only beta tester of the outline2weblog tool. In its current form, the tool is extremely basic, yet extremely appealing to me as an outline user. The experience has widened my perspective on how I write for the web, and how powerful a "web of outlines" would be.

A short list of ideas that would make this tool fabulous for me to use in my own blogging:

 *An outline for each day. Top level nodes represent individual posts
 *posts can be opened as an individual outline
 *posts moved up or down in the day outline are re-rendered to the new position, while retaining permalinks.
 Need to work on rephrasing this

 *Archive of posts in Radio fashion: yyyy/mm/dd/postName
 *Category routing
 *Recent outlines... menu
 The tool already uses them, but I don't want to mess with them until I understand how they will be handled.

Once this tool does some basic stuff any weblog writer needs, I see amazing opportunities for the same information in an outliner web, where you can include nodes from other outlines in your own. OK, my brain hurts now, time to feed the swans.

4:07:01 PM    Discuss

Is it just me, or is iCal an incredibly good looking piece of crap?

Don't get me wrong, the program works like a charm, unless you try to sync any data to it, then it refuses to start up properly. Looks like some bug, and I'm not the only one.

2:14:34 PM    Discuss

Ernie Kovacs. "Television - a medium. So called because it is neither rare nor well-done."
12:35:03 PM    Discuss

From Reuter's Healthline:

 Scientists in Austria say the traditional hourglass figure of the Playboy magazine centerfold is slowly starting to resemble... a flagpole.
 Men generally tolerate intense pain better than women, but painkillers tend to do a better job at masking pain in women than in men.

12:27:01 PM    Discuss

Yesterday I was interviewed for the Dutch version of Entertainment Tonite about weblogs. I was particularly happy about the quotes the used (I'm getting good at handing out soundbites :) "Weblogs will one day be as important as the telephone or typewriter"

But the real story in this country is that politicians have latched onto blogs.

 You may recall that last year's elections were severly clouded by the assasination of Pim Fortuyn, who was posed to sweep the elections.
 His party LPF went on to become the leading majority in dutch parliment in combination with the christian democrats. That cabinet only lasted a few months and fell spectacularly .
 new elections are planned for January 22nd, just weeks away and already I've been anle to find 9 weblogs that are maintained by pols themselves.
 Not all are perfect and some are missing essential bits like permalinks and proper archives, but it *is* cool to be linked to by the [ex] minister of fianance :)

12:08:04 PM    Discuss

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