Venturo heeft weer een mooie scoop: "De nieuwe Creatief Directeur voor TalpaTV zal mogelijk gevonden worden in een show op ProSieben. John de Mol zelf zal dit najaar geheel in de stijl van the Apprentice een reality show hosten."
From the "I'm getting too old for this shit" department: Department store chain Lord and Taylor has T-shirts with four designs featuring White Castle's logo and slogans. Apparel chains including Hot Topic, Buckle and Urban Outfitters also sell the clothing.
I'd read about it, but never had any problems, now all my logs are being innundated with comment spam. Looks like some system is also trolling other comments to pick up on topics, seeing as the spam is even showing up in dutch. Not sure what to do about this.
Looks like we just can't have any open ports anywhere in our digital lives, mail, IM, blog comments and referrers... all are potential spam targets.
Sure I can apply filters and blacklists and blocking software, but that won't hold water in the long run, it's a fight I can't win. No way am I smarter than the folks desiging these spam systems.
Richard M. Nixon: "The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.' One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger - but recognize the opportunity."
Argh, mijn hele lijf doet pijn, keel is schraal en hoofd wollig. Yep, griep. Dank aan KidV voor het invallen vanmorgen, hopelijk ben ik er morgen weer.