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Friday, December 3, 2004

This is the first Source Code recorded at Starbucks in Guildford. It's on Market Street, right off the High Street and I'll be here every weekday at 2pm until the cottage is connected.

Got a good 40 minutes recorded, some of it on Skype with Lee Wilkins who needs some serious help with his to cute dogs who are currently incarcerated in Atlanta!


Podcast production notes have all the details: html opml
4:29:14 PM    

Newsweek: Tivo for your iPod.
3:09:35 PM    

I chose the title of this post so google will have an easy time finding this information when someone is looking for broadband in Guilford UK.

The podcast community has come to my aid, with many suggestions and plans to get me reconnected to the community. Some are even pulling strings behind the scenes at British Telecom, the company that told me this morning, after promising my line would be turned on yesterday, that there are 'no more ports available at the Guildford exchange", meaning I have to wait for someone to leave or disconnect before the next person on some phantom waiting list is moved up and connected. They can't/won't even tell me where I am in the queue.

Besides the fuck-up of not telling me, it is unimaginable that this area, a mini silicon valley in its own right, can no longer supply DSL broadband to its thriving community of researchers, scientists, students and professors.

While everyone is working on solutions, I have tried to order a Cable modem, which may be available in my area, but not before the 20th. I can't live that long without a fast connection. It's like not having hot water. You can survive, but not for very long in the 21st century.

Satellite is also an option, although an expensive one. Looks like I can get 1mb down, 256k upstream for about 300 pounds a month. Yeah, that's over $570! And there's all kinds of bandwidth restrictions on satellite service, so I think that's a non starter.

No matter, I'm beyond the angry stage, I'm into practical solution mode. The prince of pod will not be kept down by the man!

So, starting today, and every weekday at 2 pm, you will find me podcasting from the Guildford Starbucks, on Market street, second floor. It's just off the High Street and you're welcome to join the party. The first one starts in 10 minutes.

1:58:22 PM    

I just got off the phone with British Telecom, who informed me that there are no ports available at my exchange and someone would have to leave before one becomes available. Yes, there is a waiting list, no they can't tell me where I am on the list, since it is doled out to multiple ISPs.

Quite a different story from when I inquired about broadband prior to moving here. And I had hoped not to disclose my new location, but see no other choice now. Despite the fact that the Guildford telephone exchange has recently been upgraded, they are out of ports and you simply cannot get a DSL line.

This is of course very harmful to the local economy, which thrives thanks to it's Research Park, Business Center and University. How the hell are they going to be able to attract anyone to this town if you can't get broadband service? Clearly I'm going to have to run this one all the way up the flagpole, since I cannot live here without broadband. It's just that simple, and believe me that many others will stay away for the same reason.

Ideas, help and suggestions are welcome.

10:17:39 AM    

A mini source code due to continuing lack of pipe. Interesting article in the Guardian. 7 minutes and a paltry 3 megs. mp3
12:02:10 AM    


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