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Thursday, December 16, 2004

I'm slowly and steadily starting to change my web 'infrastructure', or the mess of sites I call my home :)

Most importantly I'm migrating to a new server and transitioning from Radio UserLand to Manila, which is now a great Podcasting platform with the addition of Dave's enclosure feature (you have a lovely daughter Mrs. Brown).

Essentially I'll be consolidating everything to The most important phases of the migration will be ensuring no breakage of the rss feeds for my weblog and podcast. Hence the caution :)

Drew is working on a new design for my site, that probably won't be done for a while, so I'll use some temporary light-weight template for the time being.
9:40:22 PM    

The thursday 'cast with a word from matthew, promos and some geek stuff thrown in for good measure :)


Productions notes in html and opml
3:40:33 PM    

I've died and gone! NASA is now podcasting their feature stories! Subscribe here. Boinnngg!

Andrew Clarke via comments: Interesting! A quick look at the RSS feed shows that every enclosure is named "story.mp3" though. They should really be unique filenames to allow their listeners to manage their podcasts easily...
2:33:41 PM    

I had set up a contract with NTL 2 weeks ago, that's the cable company providing broadband, for a december 20th install of our modem, which was going to tide me over until Easynet drops the 4mb pipe in on the 4th of January.

Just received a call that they won't be able to install until, you guessed it, the new year.

What is it with these companies, just like British Telecom, they promise and put install dates in writing, mind you only when you pay your install charges up front and your first month of service, and then they re-schedule.

Needless to say I cancelled my subscription immediately and suggest you be wary when doing business with NTL. They are liars.
12:26:20 PM    

Here's a question for Mac heads. I use the Mail program on OSX, I connect to my dotmac email account with IMAP, so I can manage my message on and off server.

Overnight I leave my program open and have it set to cache all messages and attachments. In the morning everything is all loaded up and ready for me. However, when I want to move a message with an attachment to a mailbox folder on my Mac (local) it goes through the whole download process of the attachment again!

Tedious and a waste of time/bandwidth. Any takers?
9:37:38 AM    

In an email, Daniel Tarbuck suggests that we throttle the webserver hosting high traffic podcasts to not exceed the bandwidth of the connection. In our test case 20 Mb/sec.

" If you have multiple downloads hapenning, and your total bandwidth exceeds your limit, your isp's router will start dropping packets until you are at your limit. This is very bad for large downloads (but would not be very noticeable for smaller web pages). Many clients' downloads will fail when this happens."
12:42:22 AM    


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