Saturday, December 22, 2001

> Good Morning, Weekend Radio Retro-fitters! Jeff, the Radio Tool Riviter, is already hard at it! You might want to see what all the noise is about!
[Radio X Neophyte]

Thanks for the plug, Robert! ;-)   9:47:50 PM  Link    

> Check out my son's new O'Reilly book.

You can "write" your own here.
[Scobleizer]   5:06:36 PM  Link    
> Hal needs a Lutefisk fix!
[Jeff's Weblog]   3:59:36 PM  Link    
> Brent Simmons: "I'm 200, You're 200." ;-)
[Dave Winer: Michegas]   3:55:54 PM  Link    
> Abraham Lincoln: "He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met."
[Quotes of the Day]   2:18:25 AM  Link    
> Word of the Day: bilious
[ Word of the Day]   1:15:15 AM  Link