Thursday, December 27, 2001

> The boxelder bug strode steadily across the carpet, the rich synthetic pile forcing an undulation of the abdomen. Would traversal of this unnatural expanse fulfill the search for Acer negundo? Hardly. A deft hand procured the hapless hemipteran and tossed it nonchalantly into the Frigidaire.
[View from an Iowa Homestead]   8:29:35 PM  Link    
> I just noticed that the Consulate General of Sri Lanka has a Manila site. It's a weblog. I bet we could have a good Scripting News dinner in Sri Lanka. Do they have good beaches? Do they have good food?
[Scripting News]   6:09:42 PM  Link    
> UserTalk is juicy! ;-)
[Jeff's Weblog]   3:55:11 PM  Link    
> Yahoo buys HotJobs for $436M. Rival loses out.
[USA Today : Front Page]   1:13:03 PM  Link    
> Mark Twain: "When you cannot get a compliment any other way pay yourself one."
[Motivational Quotes of the Day]   2:49:46 AM  Link    
> M. C. Escher: "He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder."
[Quotes of the Day]   2:20:42 AM  Link    
> Word of the Day: galumph
[ Word of the Day]   12:08:36 AM  Link