Jeremy Zawodny: Yeay! I'll write more about this later, but it's really late in NYC, I'm stuck on bluetooth/verizon since the Hilton's network sucks, and I'm getting tired. So for now, read this stuff...
[Jeremy Zawodny's blog] 11:23:02 PM Link Google It!
Matthew Rothenberg: I was saddened to read of the
death of Mac founding father and GUI gadfly
Jef Raskin, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer on Saturday at the age of 61. Raskin, who left Apple two years before the Macintosh debuted in 1984, provided the revolutionary desktop system with its moniker and its mandate: an affordable, user-friendly PC that took advantage of the cutting-edge interface technology being shaped at Xerox PARC and other research facilities. He also hand-picked most of the core Mac team that Steve Jobs stepped in to lead...
[Rothenberg's Mac Enterprise] 7:52:27 PM Link Google It!