Liz Ditz: The Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance is a non-profit, tax exempt educational foundation dedicated to evoking the healing power of forgiveness worldwide. As an essential part of that mission we are also seeking to establish the first global holiday, International forgiveness Day...
[I Speak of Dreams] 10:36:26 PM Link Google It!
Bob Wyman: Merriam-Webster has announced that “blog” was the most searched for word on its on-line dictionary site during 2004. They define “blog” as: Blog noun [short for Weblog] (1999) : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections,...
[As I May Think...] 9:53:44 PM Link Google It!
Dina Mehta: Blogging is about conversations among people in real time and real voices. That’s what makes it sticky. Communities get built around these conversations. Sometimes with spontaneous order, at other times more gradually. In the Indian blogosphere, we see tangible evidence of these in Blogger
Meets, Blog
Blog Awards and Blog
Directories and
Services. However the real magic lies in the spontaneous discussions that arise out of this emergent medium and in the natural selection it embodies...
[Conversations with Dina] 8:23:34 PM Link Google It!
Scott Granneman: I'm pretty excited about
Don't Click on the Blue E!, since, even though I've been writing for SecurityFocus and
Linux Magazine for quite a while (see, this is still my first book (although I'm already hard at work on another book, about Knoppix, but more on that later). I had a great time writing it, since I finally got to put into print all the stuff I've been telling people for years, & I'm looking forward to seeing people use it. I'll let you know more as I learn more about the publication.
[Granneman News] 6:22:38 PM Link Google It!