Matthew Rothenberg: I don’t update this blog nearly as often as I’d like, mostly thanks to the all the other aspects of running Ziff Davis Internet’s fast-growing collection of enterprise-strength sites. But today, I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone to point out one of my fave new projects: the rebirth of, which we
recently acquired with and the other assets of Connexus Media. Besides the inside-baseball fun of taking over a brand long associated with Ziff Davis competitor IDG (and perhaps balancing the karmic scales after IDG acquired the MacWEEK and MacUser brands via Ziff Davis’ and IDG’s Mac Publishing joint venture), I’m excited at the prospect of reviving serious, cross-platform coverage of content creation for the Web, print and other media...
[Rothenberg's Mac Enterprise] 1:14:45 PM Link Google It!
Douglas Bowman: After two years of sharing space with good friends at Adaptive Path, Stopdesign finally moves into its own office. Over the past week, I've been painting, moving, and assembling, creating a clean, comfortable space that Stopdesign calls home. I now sit high above Market Street in a funky little office with lots of windows and incredible views over downtown San Francisco...
[Stopdesign] 1:06:25 AM Link Google It!
Hossein Derakhshan: I reluctantly have to make a few points about the recent developments regarding the Iranian journalists: It's sad to see Iranian young journalists arrested and convicted for their journalistic activates. I haven't seen any evidence that Arash, Mojataba, and a few others have been convicted for their blog entries. With a few dozen readers, they were hardly popular enough to threaten the regime via their weblogs. Neither had they disclosed classified information or documents. There are thousands of Persian blogs with releatively the same popularity containing equally harsh criticism of the regime and none of them have been sommuned...
[Editor: Myself (English)] 12:58:39 AM Link Google It!
Dave Shea: A new solution just popped up that enables clearing of floats without the markup hacks of old. Great! Except there's a caveat: scrollbars.
[mezzoblue] 12:10:05 AM Link Google It!