> JY's Weblog > Mer 11 juin 2003

JY's Weblog

 mercredi 11 juin 2003

I found something similar to SMBmeta: PAD. It's an XML format that Shareware authors can use to describe their products. Shareware search engines can use them to collect information about the softwares. There are some tools here. A directory there. Oh, yes, don't hunt for an XML PAD file there's one there. I'd like to get some data about the actual use of the format. Is it successful? you can email me. Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.

Can Agile Slay the Offshore Dragon? Yann Arthus Bertrand, photographe engagé.

Yann Arthus Bertrand A Powerbook (almost) at the top of the Everest!

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