> JY's Weblog > Ven 18 juil 2003

JY's Weblog

 vendredi 18 juillet 2003

Good news about RSS2.0: Dave Winer removed the copyright from the RSS2.0 spec (note that the format itself has never been copyrighted, it is clearly written at the end of the spec) and transferred the spec to Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society. So we have a new RSS2.0 spec location, a new Advisory board (Dave Winer, Brent Simmons and Jon Udell at the moment), and the spec is now available under a Creative Commons license.

Musique bretonne (bagad Nozeganed) et djembes africains, à Locmalo, Bretagne, samedi 12 juillet 2003 :

Bagad et djembe, Locmalo, Bretagne

Bagad Nozeganed


J'ai vu deux joueurs du FCNA aujourd'hui en ville : Mickaël Landreau au volant d'une Audi A3, et Mauro Cetto... à Carrefour ! Bon OK c'est pas très star-system mais au moins ils savent rester simples nos joueurs !

What do you want to drink today? Idea for Scoble: Since there's no more stock-options at Microsoft, now is time to use plan 2 to make big bucks. Plan 2 is very simple and everyone can participate: Since drink cans are free at MSFT, bring a lot of them at home each evening and make your family (wife, kids, grand Ma..) sell them to their friends who still pay them full price. Easy plan isn't it? What are you waiting for? Go and buy big large trousers today! [Update: Believe it or not, it looks like some people already tried this plan! Crazy.]

Fredrik Lundh: REST vs XML-RPC vs SOAP. (Lionel, ça devrait faire avancer ta réflexion )

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