JY's Weblog
mercredi 15 octobre 2003
I tried to update the software of my Airport Base Station to 4.0.8 (i got a message saying there were a new version, so here we go). The problem is that the process hang during the update. 15 minutes later the station was still updating so i had to kill the Admin Airport Utility. The problem is that I could not access or see the base station from my Mac. Ooops. How can i fix that if i cannot see the station wirelessly?! The doc said to do a soft reset, that did not help. Fortunately i managed to connect to the Internet with a wire (So 2000...) and I found this document that explain how to do a hard reset of the base station by connecting directly to it. It's the only small problem I ever got with my WIFI network, and let me tell you the Airport from Apple is very very easy to set up and use.
I got a new Mac! A few days ago a friend (salut boulet!) gave me a brand new... Macintosh Classic! This poor baby has suffered (the Mac, not my friend). He was in a public trash, with no keyboard, no cables (the Mac, not my friend). But he still boots, so, yeah, he lives! My Powerbook has taken care of him, here is a picture of the new mates.