A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
Icône et lien pour les archives de ce jour November 11, 2002

Yodel Bank: Anonymous Digital Cash
Yodel Bank is relatively new, but now that you can transfer money over IIP and Freenet, a real vibrant anonymous economy is springing up, and it's unclear how goverments will react to this 'private' banking...
[via le toujours excellent infoAnarchy#

Footbridge: a lightweight tool to mirror Radio categories to Advogato, LiveJournal, and Blogger API sites (including Movable Type) #

SnipSnap is a free and easy to install Weblog and Wiki Software written in Java. Hum, belle solution il me semble, je creuse un peu plus tar ce lien. Avec Open Wiki je dois dire que je suis de plus en plus épaté par la facilité d'idéation et de collaboration du wiki... Je suis accro (surtout que Open Wiki règle ma plainte #1 des wikis LesMotsToutCollésPourVisualiserLesLiens, c'est excellent comme concept en mode édition mais énervant en mode lecture)! #

Macromedia - Contribute : Product Overview
With Macromedia Contribute now anyone can easily update and publish content to existing websites without knowing HTML. Pas de version à télécharger pour tester??? #

Sending XHTML as text/html Considered Harmful
A number of problems resulting from the use of the text/html MIME type in conjunction with XHTML content are discussed. It is suggested that authors should use HTML 4.01 instead of XHTML until such time as the majority of installed user agents correctly support XHTML when delivered with an XML content type. Lecture intéressante pour ceux qui se nourrissent de Tag Soup... #

November 2002
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Control Your Domain (black background)
EasyDNS, fournisseur de solution de gestion de nom de domaines et plus!

12/02/2002; 8:52:15 PM

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Commentaires par YACCS