A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
Icône et lien pour les archives de ce jour November 17, 2002

Web Services' Idées Fortes
Many people ask us at ZapThink what's really so special about Web Services. We're the first to admit that Web Services are more evolutionary than revolutionary, building upon earlier Service-oriented technologies and approaches to distributed computing. Sure, Web Services are standards-based, using XML and XML-based protocols like SOAP to act as a common basis for communication across different vendor implementations. But open standards are really only the price of admission. The true power of Web Services lies in three related powerful ideas (idées fortes) that in combination describe how Web Services will change the fundamental nature of distributed computing: Asynchrony, Loose Coupling, Coarse Granularity. Excellent résumé des concepts techniques qui font des services web un avancement réel, c'est un avancement plutôt techno-philosophique, mais le mélange standards et ouverture est explosif... #

Fine-tuning Custom Google Search
After experimenting with a few approaches for adding a Google search box to Radio Free Blogistan (with the help of my readers), I found a satisfactory method. I'm posting the code in this story format so that I can refer to it in a blog post without actually putting the code out there and screwing up people's aggregators. C'est à la lecture de cet article que j'ai rajouté la boîte de recherche Google sur afroginthevalley.weblogs.com ... #

Some Windows 2k Tools
Un petit paragraphe assaisonné juste à point de savoureux hyperliens: That said, from time to time, I do need to tweak, clean or fix something that goes a bit wacky. Today, registry problems. If you're in the same boat, may I suggest the LabMice - Windows 2000 Utilities. If that doesn't cut it for you, or if you want to blow your foot clean-off with some nifty developer-oriented tools, perhaps the Windows 2000 Resource Kits Page will offer something of use. Then there are those other power tools I sometimes need... #

Random Hacks: Bayesian Whitelisting: Finding the Good Mail Among the Spam. Défénitivement un sujet chaud et les geeks commencent à s'y attaquer de façon créative... C'est un de mes sujets de réflexion sur le futur de la messagerie numérique, de quelle façon ces outils changent la donne (ou la rétablissent, selon l'angle). #

Open Space est un blog comme je les aimes (contenu et format) mais il lui manque un feed RSS... #

Review of Red Hat 8.0 on OSNews.com. Ca date un peu mais c'est une évaluation assez détaillée... en passant, je n'ai toujours pas eu le temps de migrer mon laptop à Mandrake 9, mais c'est encore dans mes projets à court terme... surtout que je passe beaucoup de mon temps dans Windows avec Mozilla et Open Office (que j'aime de plus en plus!), donc un petit dualboot avec une installation fraîche de Win2k (je n'ai jamais aimé XP, j'sais pas pourquoi) est prévu pour bientôt, avec Cygwin, UNXutils et PuTTY pour qunad je suis sous win et Wine et VNC sous Linux, la barrière entre les deux mondes est bien mince... #

RealVNC is the official home of VNC, staffed by the original team who created and developed it whilst at AT&T. The mission of RealVNC is to act as the focal point for open source VNC. We are continuing to improve VNC with our own new features and by evaluating features developed by others in the open source community and incorporating the best of them into the official codebase. New features and bug fixes will be released on a regular basis. In addition, we are also offering commercial support and development services around open source VNC. #

MaxMind GeoIP: Where in the world are your Internet visitors?
We offer a number of methods for accessing MaxMind GeoIP, including APIs for C, Perl, PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, C#, Apache, as well as web services. Our APIs are Open Source and contain a Free database that is updated yearly. The C API contains geoipupdate, a program for our subscribers to receive updates each month. Hum, ça pourrait être utile un jour... je poste ici pour archiver dans ma catégorie "webdev toolkit"... #

eMail Headers
To handle complaints about email, it is often necessary to obtain detailed information about a particular message. This information is included in every message but isn't normally displayed to the computer operator. However, every email client can be configured to show this information. After the information is displayed, it can be cut and pasted into another email message or other document to be forwarded to the investigator. Here is how. C'est pour terminer la rédaction de ma prochaine chronique dans VirusMag... #

Setting Up a Real World Hotspot
Are you thinking about putting up your first hotspot? If so, you're probably working hard to learn the basics of the business and technology. You're reading, talking to vendors and striving to learn all you can about this exploding opportunity. Still, nothing answers questions like real world results. So it makes sense to look at an actual first time hotspot deployment.
  • The Value of Planning
  • Pitching the Venue
  • Choosing the Technology
  • Actual Deployment
  • Future Plans
  • Conclusions
Pratique et très applicable dans le cas des projets avec la gang de quebec.sansfil.org... #

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Control Your Domain (black background)
EasyDNS, fournisseur de solution de gestion de nom de domaines et plus!

12/02/2002; 8:52:23 PM

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Commentaires par YACCS