A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
Icône et lien pour les archives de ce jour November 22, 2002

ScamAssassin: marry Snopes to a mail-filter
LazyWeb is Matt Jones's coinage that describes the process whereby one throws out an idea in the hopes that someone else will build it. Here's my LazyWeb idea; I call it "ScamAssassin." The idea is to build an email filter (maybe a SpamAssassin module?) that identifies email that contains a hoax or scam that can be found on Snopes or Purportal and pastes in a warning at the top of the message... Brilliant!!!
[sur Boing Boing Blog#

P2P drives the darknet to success, claim MS researchers
There seem to be no technical impediments to darknet-based peer-to-peer file sharing technologies growing in convenience, aggregate bandwidth and efficiency. The legal future of darknet-technologies is less certain, but we believe that, at least for some classes of user, and possibly for the population at large, efficient darknets will exist...
[via Smart Mobs#

Digital Identity Services [via The Doc Searls Weblog, self-referencing...] #

Habeas Sender Warranted Email ("SWE") is helping to eradicate the scourge of spam by creating and enforcing a system for individuals and companies to warrant that the email they are sending is not spam, and is, in fact, "the email you want". Habeas SWE enables Habeas to enforce that warranty by suing spammers that try to label spam as Sender Warranted Email(SM), and by obtaining against them enforceable injunctions and judgements from the Courts through the use of trademark and copyright law. C'est une approche qui combine technologie, loi et volonté corporative... innovateur! J'ai découvert par hasard (sur une liste de discussion) qu'un de leur employé, Neil Schwartzman (qui publie l'excellent SpamNews) travaillais à Montréal, je vais le rencontrer la semaine prochaine... #

Microsoft Just Says No to .Doc Replacement Panel
Un message syur Slashdot qui illustre bien ma postition sur le sujet: OpenOffice.org is a tremendous threat to MS Office (...) all OOo needs is for a few major corporate users of office suites to spend a fraction of the $ they send to Redmond instead on funding the final polish of OOo and the benefits of essentially zero $ cost coupled with open file formats and free-as-in-freedom will take care of the rest. If Microsoft does not see this as a real and serious threat, they are fools. (I believe they do see it as a threat, and will act accordingly) Boeing is on board, it shouldn't be too hard to get AOLTW and a few other obvious examples, and soon the dominoes will begin toppling. Microsoft cannot win the fight in the long term. They may win some battles, but they cannot win this war. Hehehe. Même pas eu besoin de l'écrire moi-même... vive l'hypertexte! Voir aussi l'article d'Infoworld sur le groupe de travail d'OASIS#

It really doesn't matter that Java is faster than .NET. In this test, it was 30% faster. In most tests it is 10-15% faster. I say "so what?" for two reasons... Allez lire la suite, c'est rempli de bonnes perspectives techniques. #

Matt Haughey: Begun this spam war has. En effet. Je suis toutes ces discussions de très près (Death by spam et les répliques qui l'entourent, les produits commerciaux, les solutions ouvertes et autres prespectives. )... c'est un débat clef de l'année et ça touche plusieurs niveaux qui me passionnent: réseautique, logiciels, identité et communications. Je me demande si je ne vais pas me créer un blog que pour cet problématique... ouais, bonne idée! [citation d'introduction via Hack the Planet#

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Control Your Domain (black background)
EasyDNS, fournisseur de solution de gestion de nom de domaines et plus!

12/02/2002; 8:52:31 PM

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