A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
Icône et lien pour les archives de ce jour Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Web Services will provoke the return of rich UI clients. J'ai des perceptions mixtes sur cette affirmation, mais elle mérite certainement réflexion. [via Patrick Chanezon's Radio Weblog#

Windley's Enterprise Computing Weblog
I submitted my resignation as CIO for the State of Utah this morning. It is effective December 31, 2002. I have many mixed emotions: anger, sadness, excitement, and relief, among others. C'est définitivement une première, un CIO qui démissionne et poste les détails sur son carnet... ce qui est triste, c'est que ce type semblait faire tout un travail au niveau des technologies de l'information appliquées au gouvernement, sa démission me laisse songeur quant à l'avenir de ce mariage de NTIC et d'affaires publiques. En passant, quelqu'un sait si le Québec à un CIO? Au conseil du trésor à ce que je pourrais comprendre, la DGT ou quelque chose du genre? #

myRadio nuggets
Aggregate and publish dynamic, customized web services, with myRadio for Radio Userland. myRadio makes it easy to publish dynamically-updating stock quotes, weather conditions, ebay price watchers, fedex trackers (and more, and more to come) in your weblog; and keep tabs on customized services in your aggregator. This is another iteration towards the rich client, micro-content client, digital dashboard, information nirvana -- an easy-to-use tool set for building complex personalized web applications; comprising web services, syndicated content, screen scraping, databases, process and display logic -- for personal use and sharing with others and the web. Wow, beau petit kit de services web, faciles, faciles! #

Social design patterns. Plusieurs liens à explorer. [Sur Seb's Open Research#

Untapped social capital
Howard Rheingold’s Technology Review article, Clothes Make the Network, puts the concepts of wearable computing and wireless networks into what, for me, is a new perspective — that of mining the untapped “social capital” of the people we pass by but do not encounter each day. Cool. Très cool. #

Mandrake 9 - Getting more software
After Mandrake 9 is installed, one might need to install additional software. Believe it or not, once you get your software sources setup right, it is far easier than Windows (9x, NT, 2000 or XP) to add additional software. Bonne ressource pour les linuxnewbies... et j'installe enfin Mandrake 9 sur mon laptop vendredi! #

Radio-MT Exporter 0.4
Since someone asked if Footbridge will import Radio posts to Movable Type (it won’t, it’ll only mirror new Radio items to Movable Type), I discovered the version of Bill Kearney’s Exporter I used (0.2) to move my Radio posts to Movable Type—after fixing the broken BODY: thing and ignorance of Radio’s own titles, anyway—wasn’t the newest version of Exporter. So I hope 0.4 supports those things rather than folks having to hack them in. [via markpasc.org#

Blogchina.com aucune idée de ce qui est écrit sur cette page mais on dirait un article sur les weblogs en chinois et on y retrouve un hyperlien vers mon site... #

December 2002
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Control Your Domain (black background)
EasyDNS, fournisseur de solution de gestion de nom de domaines et plus!

2002-12-31; 9:53:50 AM

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Commentaires par YACCS