Thursday, January 31, 2002

Robert Barksdale has been playing around with Radio UserLand themes - take a look.

Well, over the past three or four days I have come to appreciate what Bryan Bell has done with the Radio Themes. It's not that I didn't notice before, I just never dug very deep to see what was involved. There is a lot going on behind the scenes.

Like any web tool worth its salt, Radio allows you to use various tools to create your "field of dreams". I have been trying to determine the right mix of HTML, Javascript, and Radio's built-in macros to personalize my weblog. Using BBEdit, Dreamweaver and Fireworks with Radio, I finally have a process flow that seems to work. Changes are coming, so keep an eye out. [Radio X Neophyte]
5:36:36 AM    

David Davies updates his picture gallery script.

Updated the picture gallery script to use the mypictures.root tool image template and generally tidied things up a bit. Let me know if there's any breakage with previous versions. The script is here. [David Davies' Radio Weblog]
5:33:35 AM    

John Robb talks about using Radio UserLand for category-based publishing.

K-Logs in action.  Looks like Paolo is building feed directories and key word aggregators for his employees at eVectors who are using Radio.  Nice.  Notice the use of category-based publishing with Radio that enables users to create project or customer specific knowledge streams.  Also note the "lighter side feed" for employees to have a little fun.  As a new employee it would take all of a couple of hours to find, read, and subscribe to the category specific K-Logs that related to the projects I would be working on.  No time spent casting about looking for information, points of view, documents, e-mails, etc on those projects.  Wow!  Real ROI out of the box.  I should probably do some calculations on this. [John Robb's Radio Weblog]
5:32:15 AM