Journalist pivot point? Responding on stage to blogging via WiFi
Through Dave Winer's Scripting News I was pointed to Nick Denton's Weblog which has an entry about Dan Gillmor of the San Jose Mercury News writing in his eJournal Weblog about Esther Dyson's PC Forum. (See my March 26 entry). Dan posted an entry in his eJournal about SkyPilot, a mesh network.
The co-founder of SkyPilot was on stage, read Dan's entry and then used WiFi access to send Dan a correction, which Dan then acknowledged in his Weblog. This was some sort of "journalistic pivot point," Dan writes.
I tried to encourage something like that during Wireless Data University, when I used WiFi in the Orlando convention hall to switch between my PowerPoint presentation and show the audience Web sites. Unfortunately, not enough people in the audience had WiFi cards. I did point out Dan Gillmor to the audience who was covering my tutorial and posting an entry about it via WiFi.
Journalistic pivot point or not, the integration of WiFi with Weblogs will help change the way conferences are held and the way journalism is practiced. Dan Gillmor is helping to lead the charge. I am trying, too.
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