Updated: 3/8/2002; 4:10:52 PM.
Dave Kraft's Radio Weblog

Thursday, February 14, 2002

What a day.. I spent most of it trying to wrap my head around ASP.NET.  I like what I see, but it seems that there's a definite learning curve, coming from ASP.  Still using Beta 2, writing a web app with it to convince my boss we need Visual Studio .NET.
6:33:07 PM    

I HATE Valentine's Day!!

Ugh.. I can't wait for this day to end.  Everywhere I look I see luvy-duvy couples cooing at each other.  It makes me sick.  Today's just another ordinary day as far as I'm concerened.  (Can't you tell I'm single?)
6:28:36 PM    

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