Updated: 3/8/2002; 4:10:53 PM.
Dave Kraft's Radio Weblog

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

I've been seeing a lot of people screaming about CSS.  Here's my 2 cents.

I actually like CSS.  It can give your whole site one unified image.  Every page looks pretty much like every other page.  The only difference is content.  Also, I work for a company as an Internet Developer.  I do the backend stuff:  connect to databsaes, send email, etc.  I'm not a designer.  I couldn't draw to save my life.  The company I work for outsources the design work.  The designers we use are very, very good.  When I'm working on a program that retrieves information from a database, I don't want to worry how it should look.  The designers should take care of that for me.  All I want is a CSS stylesheet to link to.  Makes my life so much easier.  I don't have to scrape HTML from other pages.
3:31:23 PM    

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