Wednesday, June 6, 2001
PHP web graphicsI started going through a php tutorial on creating your own voting polls and discovered along the way that my current installation of PHP wasn't compiled with support for the gd graphics library. I set to work searching around the web for MacOS X packages that contained the gd library, zlib, and libpng and stumbled upon this helpful site with precompiled tarballs of just about everything I was looking for. I'm going to wait to recompile PHP until after I get home from work, but I'll report back here with the outcome.
During my search I also discovered the Fink package manager project for Darwin/MacOS X. It looks interesting, and while I successfully installed it (I think), I didn't succeed in downloading anything during the initial install run because the site it attempted to access was busy. I'll probably play with it more later as well.
4:29:00 PM
Python LinksCharming Python:[sgl dagger] Revisiting XML tools for Python
Python 101 (part 1): Snake EyesIn the consciously-elitist world of software engineering, a developer with a few years of Python under his belt gets the best cubicle, the prettiest girl and the respect of his neighbours; people move out of the way when he strides down the hall, and colleagues turn to him for creative and elegant solutions to the problems they encounter. Walk into a job interview and mention Python when reciting your qualifications; you'll immediately see a glint of recognition in the interviewer's eyes, an awareness that, in the hierarchy of software developers, you're one of the top guns.
Python 101 (part 2): If Wishes Were Pythons
9:50:00 AM
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Jason Gilman.
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2/10/02; 5:47:52 PM.