Updated: 12/6/06; 8:37:43 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I am trying to plot a frequency histogram of magnitude 8+ earthquakes by a time bin (probably decade). Unfortunately it has been years since I used the tools so I am flailing.

The base data are here. My tools are DeltaGraph, Excel, and AppleWorks.

The goal is to evaluate what I think I see in the data (big earthquakes appear to be clustered).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

11:45:50 AM    
Comment []

An Exception to the Rule:

Today, the cost overruns are a major issue, no question. But the new San Jose City Hall will be a noteworthy and proud addition to a downtown that has few noteworthy and proud buildings. (See skyline, boring: Jose, San).

(Via San Jose Inside.)

Let's see where we can go with this:

(See skyline, boring: 'San Jose', 'who cares?')

(See skyline, boring, still: 'San Jose', 'who cares?')

(See skyline, rotunda: 'San Jose', 'from where?')

(See skyline, invasive: 'San Jose', 'neighborhoods and schools')

I will admit that the design is pretty, but it is backwards.

We now have a 19 story wall separating the downtown neighborhoods from downtown. Nineteen stories that shade the newly rebuild Horace Mann School most of the year. Nothing inviting there.

We have a design with a public plaza that is shaded in the winter and unshaded in the summer. Now that is inviting.

A mirror image would have worked better, but the world-class designers didn't think enough of the neighborhoods.

The result is a over-priced, high-tech design protruding into 100 year old neighborhoods. (See morons, leaders, city: 'San Jose')

6:45:16 AM    
Comment []

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