Updated: 12/6/06; 8:37:51 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Come tax time, I need to move money from on account to another. This should be easy. I have done it before. So a week before taxes are due, I go online and make the transfer, only I don't get any confirmation, I get back to the start transaction screen.

A week later when the money really needs to get transfered there is no record of the transaction because it never happened. I am pissed, my advisor is pissed. I end up going to my bank and getting a check cut then delivering it to my advisor's office. Did I say that I was pissed?

Today, I discovered the problem, AmEx tech support told me, "We don't support Mozzila browsers yet... Safari may work... but to be certain use IE"

Safari did work as it has before.

I have been using FireFox for greater compatibility. Now it is less compatible than Safari? I am not pulling my hair because there isn't much left. But the AmEx folks need to get this fixed.

It's the browser, stupid!
12:29:41 PM    
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Mountain Lion Shot and Killed After Being Found in a San Jose Backyard: "Authorities in West San Jose have shot and killed a mountain lion this morning. KCBS reporter Jim Taylor on the scene says police received a call at about seven o'clock this morning, alerting them to a mountain ..."

(Via San Jose, CA - Topix.net.)

From what I hear, experts say that killing these cats who wander into neighborhoods is the best option, because they have been kicked out of the mountains and won't survive anyway.

I am not an expert on big cat ecology, but if we have to kill big cats when they show up in neighborhoods, maybe we have extended our neighborhoods too far. Why is our territorial imperative is more important than theirs?

11:01:52 AM    
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