Updated: 12/6/06; 8:38:37 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Divers rescue entangled whale near Farallon Islands: "Master divers rescued a 50-foot female humpback whale that was entangled in crab lines 18 miles off the San Francisco coast near the Farallon Islands on Sunday, the Marine Mammal Center said today."

(Via News: Breaking News -- MercuryNews.com.)

Finally a good news story on my birthday. Here a life was spared by the action of people. Much better than when a life is lost through the inaction of people.

Unfortunately until this story broke, the story of the day was that I killed a man. Ok, the State killed the man, but I am part of the State and helped pay for it. I take that role seriously. It's not the sort of thing you want to do or think about on your birthday.

4:41:28 PM    
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Around 6 AM this morning a clock went "click" and I turned 45 years old. A lot has changed since that first cold morning in Baltimore. For one thing, I have gained about 180 pounds, I am also a little taller.

I am not sure what you are supposed to expect when you reach 45. A few hundred years ago it meant that you were on your way out. While I may be long in the tooth here and there, I am not expecting to check out anytime soon.

Nowadays, I think you are supposed to be settled and moving forward with your life and career. While I am settled, I am not certain I am moving forward. I am not a father, but I have a wife and two cats who love me, when I feed them.

My geology career is stalled, which is a shame because I am an exceptional geologist. My web hosting/consulting career putters along, but it lacks the excitement to keep me up late at night, except when a server crashes. I love taking photos and I am good at it, but can I make a career of it?

So where does that leave me, other than searching. I suppose that searching isn't a bad place to be, it is just unsettling. After 40+ years you would think that you should know where you fit in. Oh well.

So that is what it looks like turning 45 to me in 2005.

2:26:39 PM    
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