Tuesday, November 30, 2004
so, what's left?

So, what's left to do with Python in Frontier?

  • Calling UserTalk code from Python
  • Restore Python 'rendering' (this will allow the use of usertalk comments in Python (the left pointing chevrons), the 'bundle:' keyword, and I plan to add 'main:', which will expand to 'if __name__ == "__main__":')
  • Integrating Python exceptions into the Frontier error reporting system
  • Enabling "KeyboardInterrupt" for runaway Python code
  • Convert to using PyGIL* functions for GIL manipulation
  • Flesh out type conversion

Once all of that is done, I'll be comfortable calling this 1.0. I'm going to leave the integration of the Python debugger for a later release, because it's fairly involved. My opinion is that the most important part of this is to get a stable 1.0 release out there and used.

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