Updated: 5/8/2002; 10:22:23 AM

Steve Ogden's Radio Weblog
So close, and yet so far away...

Friday, April 12, 2002

Cool New Tool!

Simon Fell has developed code to allow posting to Radio from MS Word via the Blogger API via SOAP.

Now admittedly, you have to be a fairly serious geek for this to be important, but I am a fairly serious geek.

Thanks Simon.
4:58:35 PM    

I got two email messages from readers of my blog yesterday.  Before yesterday I don't think I had two readers.  One of my readers (I like the sound of that) commented on yesterday's search phrase, "Sacred Geometry".  I can't honestly remember how I came across sacred geometry, but I found it interesting for a few minutes, and that was one of my recent searches when I started playing with the Userland/Google connection.  For the record I have no strong opinions about the sacredness of sacred geometry one way or the other.  I did however once read "Still Life With the Woodpecker" by Tom Robbins. 

Blather describes the book this way: "A love story inside a pack of Camel cigarettes between a red-headed deposed European princess and a red-headed outlaw bomber known as the The Woodpecker, this wonderful novel deals with sex in pyramids, mensturation and the moon, the difference between criminals and outlaws (hint: criminals are victims - outlaws joyously take resonsibility), the difference between social activism and romantic individualism, the importance of frogs, fairy tales, dynamite and the no small matter of how redheads burn easily. Everything is connected, and we should NEVER grow up."   http://www.blather.net/bookstore/robbins_wood.html

The last sentence of that description sort of sums up my life philosophy, and maybe also applies to Userland and Google, although I am not exactly sure how.

So there.

10:58:41 AM    

April 2002
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