Updated: 10/29/02; 9:57:05 AM. |
![]() simplex veri sigillum From today's Dive Into Mark: "For each domain (RSS feeds, FOAF files, whatever), somebody (or some group) needs to come along and document best practices. We need better goal-oriented documentation. We have a lot of reference documentation, task-oriented documentation, but very little that documents that larger picture and answers questions written in English. “How do I include personal information in my RSS feed?” is a goal-oriented question. “Create a FOAF file using this tool and then insert this line at this location in your RSS feed” (with as many examples as necessary) is a goal-oriented answer. Anything less is like trying to master a foreign language by reading a dictionary." I thought goal-oriented and task-oriented documentation were/are the same? I think (thought) I am doing goal-oriented documentation but Mark hasn't given me enough help there to know what he means. (BTW, I am a great admirer of his text on Python which I found one of the clearest texts of its kind ever written). On another note, my first cut at a Radio book outline is done but I am worrying over it not unlike a dog over a bone. Bad. Bad. Note to self: put it up and get on with it. Or get on with something. feedback: 5:07:41 PM ![]()