It's Like Déjà Vu All Over Again
"You could probably waste an entire day on the preceding links alone. But why take chances? We also give you Paul Snively..." — John Wiseman, lemonodor
Brevity is commendable as far as I am concerned. I find it hard to be brief sometimes but maybe that is because I do not have enough time to be brief. I am not sure if Shelly, one of the romantic poets, was the one that said in a letter to a friend, Sorry I wrote such a long letter, I didn't have time to write a shorter one. It may seem counter intuitive, but more time for less words. [Living Code]
Aaron beats me to the punch yet again! Here's hoping that Aaron's anger is an effective motivator to his work. I need to set up some links in my navbar to the important pages/projects in this arena. *sigh*
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