Updated: 3/27/06; 6:58:20 PM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Saturday, December 13, 2003

A picture named pomegranite.JPG A picture named hand.JPGTonight we ate a pomegranite.  The girls really like them, me too.  We had a busy day, I tried to get the house cleaned up a little.   I spent most of the day in the garage.  I have bags and bags and boxes of the toys and "stuff" that Chelsey doesn't have room for or is too attached to get rid of just yet.  We raked a few leaves, 4 bags I think it was.  Plus we finally put some lights outside on the house. 

I made some fresh white chili with Chicken and beans for dinner.  It was pretty good with a little crusty french bread on the side.  Chelsey made her favorite Cream of Potato soup.  After dinner we went over to the Fritzee Freeze to get some ice cream for dessert.  Chelsey and I listened to the Ice Cream truck drive through the neighborhoods all around us but he never made it to our street.  So we decided to go get our own ice cream.  After the ice cream we drove through some of the local neighborhoods that put on some of the bigger holiday light displays, and did a little shopping before we came back home.

Click the pictures for bigger images.

10:24:23 PM    

I keep trying to describe to people the strange needs that I have now.  One of the terms that I can never seem to remember is skin hunger".  My friends on Widownet use it and there is a recent thread that makes mention of it.  I would give Cindy a big long hug every morning after my shower as she was on her way to her shower.  Some mornings I didn't want that hug to ever end.

10:08:20 PM    

Halley wants to know if girls are as messy as boys.  I would say definately YES!  I was trying to come up with a description for what it appears like to me.  The closest thing I could come up with is some sort of alien being that poops toys and "stuff" every time it stops moving for a minute or more.  It doesn't seem to matter how much stuff is already on the floor it just keeps pooping out more.  If the floor does get completely covered the thing will search out fresh floor space in other rooms.  I have noticed that proximity to the television seems to increase the quantity of pooped toys.  I think it has something to do with the radiation coming from the screen, or an adverse reaction to the animated images on the screen.
9:43:55 PM    

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