Updated: 3/27/06; 7:24:42 PM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Thursday, December 22, 2005

One of my daily aggregator flows is BigHappyFunHouse. I think Ron lives in the Chicago area where I happened to grow up. He collects old photos and posts them to his web site. There are some great photos over there. Every now and then I'll see something in those old photos that looks so familiar. A piece of furniture, or a lamp, or sometimes a face that somehow looks familiar. I'm certain it's only a matter of time before I spot a photo of myself taken by someone at some point in my past.
1:49:49 PM    

oh, and by the way, what the heck was Halley doing blogging at 9 pm last night? Must have been some sort of problem with her blogging software where all her early morning posts got stuck and came out at night instead :)
9:06:46 AM    

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