Updated: 3/27/06; 7:24:46 PM.

Rod Kratochwill's Weblog
Cynthia Ann Jones Kratochwill 1957 - 2002

Friday, December 30, 2005

Here's something I like about sending out my Christmas cards each year. For just the price of a stamp the post office will tell you that it knows what my friend's new address is and prints a nice sticker on the envelope of my Christmas cards and then sends them back to me so I can update my address book. Cool!

I also discovered that if you cross out the incorrect address and write in the new one from the address that's on the envelope and after putting on a fresh stamp put it in the mailbox the letter carrier will gleefully take the letter and then send it back to you again several days later :)

At least they didn't cancel the stamps the second time they returned it so I can now address a fresh envelope and cut out the uncancelled stamp and paste it on a minty fresh newly addressed envelope to go out for the third try.

So if you didn't get a Christmas Card from me yet don't give up, I'm still trying.  And just in case here is what it looks like, a photo of the girls and I standing on the Charles Bridge in Prague from our trip last Christmas.

5:11:39 PM    

Halley's doing weather reports so I thought I'd mention that it is absolutely georgeous here today. I was out at lunch and found this little Russian market where I picked up a bottle of Obolon Premium beer from the Ukraine and a Kiper Bock from Poland. And what would some nice beer be without some Mikado Cornichons? Maybe a couple of slices of brown bread that I picked up at the Czech deli the other day. Yum!

Anyway enough food back to the weather. It's in the high 60's and low 70's here with clear skies and bright sunshine. Oh, and of course it wouldn't be Florida if there wasn't A TROPICAL STORM OUT IN THE ATLANTIC!!!! WTF!!! I guess mother nature wanted to sneak one last named storm in before the year was out. What a sense of humor she has. So on this most beautiful Winter's day in the sun I'll raise a toast to Tropical Storm Zeta (Jones?) with a nice gherkin and a cold Obolon! Here's to the end of named storms in the year 2005!

5:05:01 PM    

Halley is wondering what the bloggers are up to today, note: I'm not one of those famous bloggers she lists :).

I'm at work, wishing I was home with the girls. I'm also looking up a recipe for a friend that putting together her menu for the New Year's Eve party. I like making a traditional southern dish, as in South America. It's a Feijoada, or Brazilian Black Bean Stew. It's a nice hearty warm dish that is somewhere between a stew and a soup when I make it. I use this  recipe as my starting point and more easyify it by substituting canned beans and usually use different sausages and meats each time I make it depending on what looks good at the market. Here's another recipe that includes a yummy looking photo.
10:31:44 AM    

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