Nicholas Riley’s Weblog
Thoughts from a computer science graduate student,
medical student and Cocoa programmer (this week).

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March 2002
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Monday, March 4, 2002
And later, I slipped and fell on the ice in front of the condo building where I live. Is fate trying to tell me something?

What a day. Tried to work from 11AM to 8PM and accomplished a great deal of nothing. Couldn't concentrate on a thing, even tried working on ICeCoffEE to get my mind off work—no go.

9:05:33 PM | reply []

I fell down about half a flight of stairs this morning, and aside from the bruises, it seems to have affected my ability to concentrate. I can't get any work done. Grr. 3:09:33 PM | reply []

Mozilla tip: If you're having trouble selecting items within a table, hold down the Command key, and it will select by table cell. Try it in Radio's News Aggregator.

I don't know if this is documented anywhere, but I just discovered it and it's really nice! The only enhancement I can think of would be if it retained the table formatting when you paste into another application; instead the table cells are just smushed together. 11:35:56 AM | reply []

Jay is getting quite a few votes in the University elections as the 'protest' candidate. 10:00:32 AM | reply []

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