Nicholas Riley’s Weblog
Thoughts from a computer science graduate student,
medical student and Cocoa programmer (this week).

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Saturday, March 30, 2002
From #mozilla today:

<oeschger> bryner: so is the tree closed in earnest right now?
<bryner> what do you mean?
<oeschger> there's that msg from last night about tp performance..
<bryner> yeah, it's still being looked at
<oeschger> ah. ok.
<bryner> dbaron: do you think we should reopen?
<bryner> so what i'm getting ready to do is blow away the tree on btek and start it over as a regular tbox
<bryner> any objections?
* bryner doesn't hear any
<bryner> done

Thus ends another wild-goose chase for performance regressions. 2:44:10 PM | reply []

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