Nicholas Riley’s Weblog
Thoughts from a computer science graduate student,
medical student and Cocoa programmer (this week).

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Monday, May 27, 2002
Jamie Zawinski holds a debate with himself on the merits of webcasting live shows at the DNA Lounge. It's a very different proposition from Internet radio in general. The argument with the green background convinced me that he should stop doing it, if it's costing $20k/year to serve 20 simultaneous listeners. They're certainly not paying him $1000 each, nor should they do so. jwz didn't include a breakdown of the licensing versus bandwidth costs, but my gut feeling is that it's mostly bandwidth. The technical solution is improved (cheaper) distribution mechanisms for the live and archived shows. If licensing costs came to dominate—as they would have if CARP had been approved—there'd be little motivation to work on the efficiency and cost of distribution. 4:30:53 PM | reply []

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