Nicholas Riley’s Weblog
Thoughts from a computer science graduate student,
medical student and Cocoa programmer (this week).

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Tuesday, May 7, 2002
Wow, when did color laser printers become so cheap? I still had an outdated notion in my head that they cost around $5000 still. Take Minolta QMS's magicolor 2210: 128 MB RAM, 200 MHz R5000 processor, 20 ppm B&W/5 ppm color, 100 Mbps ethernet, PostScript 3, $1640. Sounds great, but a review mentioned: "Text prints are crisp and have no jaggedness, but color graphics appear washed out and fuzzy."

I hope it's more reliable and bulletproof than the many QMS printers we have had in our department. From the high-volume black & white laser printers to the color lasers, they jammed constantly, and refused to process PostScript jobs that HP printers had no problems with. 2:42:36 AM | reply []

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