Nicholas Riley’s Weblog
Thoughts from a computer science graduate student,
medical student and Cocoa programmer (this week).

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Wednesday, May 8, 2002
Does anyone have experience installing ATAPI drives in 3.5" half-height FireWire enclosures? A generous acquaintance donated (er, "long-term loan"ed) me a 4 GB Travan ATAPI tape drive to replace my dead Sony SDT-5200 pseudo-DDS-2 drive. But it doesn't fit very well in my G4: I had to install it upside down and its use precludes my simultaneously connecting an IDE cable to the factory installed CD-RW drive. I have a choice of:

  • hacking up the inside of the case so the drive will fit right-side up (the bay is designed to accommodate a Zip drive, which has its IDE and power connectors on the opposide side)
  • trying to somehow fit a FireWire/ATAPI bridge board into one of the external SCSI enclosures I have (the space above the tape drive you see in the picture at right is empty)
  • installing the tape drive in an external FireWire case, which is still a lot cheaper than buying a new internal tape drive.

This enclosure looks like the faceplate comes off, which might make it work, but the Web page doesn't mention any compatibility with non-hard drives.

Suggestions appreciated on how to achieve this goal; I just had a hard drive failure and the thought of not being backed up scares me. I wish I could afford a real tape drive right now.

11:15:38 PM | reply []

You can always count on finals week as a fertile ground for uiuc.test posting. This exchange cracked me up:

Erik Newman wrote:
> john marriott inflicted upon usenet the following:
> > Just let me know when, I have a super soaker 2500 that hasn't gotten
> > much use lately.  I'll fill it with anti-herpes spray.  Failing that,
> > some sort of acid.
> Trust me on this one.  Spraying sorority girls with a Super Soaker is
> good for a $105 disorderly conduct fine in the city of Champaign.
and you forwarded poor mary to abuse!?!
10:41:33 AM | reply []

A number of my friends who host with have been complaining about the service recently. It's definitely, er, cheap. This morning I read they cut off Les Orchard's 0xDECAFBAD.

I use as my Web host and could not be happier. The cost is quite a bit higher than that of, though, and I've heard sporadic complaints about their shared MySQL servers (which I do not use).

The upshot of all this is that for the best reliability, I still need to move this weblog onto my own site. Some day when I have more than 15 minutes to spare, perhaps. In the meantime, I've still got 94% of my 40 MB free. 10:20:39 AM | reply []

Now I've made the changes below, form submission (clicking the 'Delete' button) also results in a new window opening. Need to fix somehow, hopefully in an elegant fashion. I wonder if CSS will work? 8:02:28 AM | reply []

A great tip: I use Radio's News Aggregator and always open links in new windows (or new tabs), so the aggregator page remains visible. Sometimes I forget to Command-click a link, and end up replacing the aggregator page without intending to.

The post I linked to doesn't describe exactly how to modify Radio's templates, so here's one way to do it:

  1. In the www folder, insert as the first line of system/pages/news.txt:
    #meta "<BASE TARGET='_blank'>"
  2. Then, in #template.txt, add after the <head> tag:
    <% metaTags () %>
That's all! Now your News Aggregator will always open links in new windows, without you having to remember to click with the middle mouse button or while holding down modifier keys. 5:56:03 AM | reply []

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