Updated: 3/27/08; 6:27:10 PM.
A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Blog
Thoughts on biotech, knowledge creation and Web 2.0

Sunday, December 7, 2003

We Are All Mort Sahl

Isn't PageRank marvellous?.

Given that the result of a Google query consisting solely of the string ‘miserable failure’ is this, I think it truly is.

(Via Atrios.)

[Crooked Timber]

Who figures out these things? Well, this article in Newsday explains. It demonstrates the power of a grass roots approach and will only get stronger as more blogs (like mine) link to the story. It is funny, though. It allows all of us to participate in some political satire.   5:15:13 PM    

The Jobless Recovery Continues.

The Economist's take on the latest labor market news:

Economist.com | America's labour market: ...On Friday December 5th, the Bureau of Labour Statistics announced that another 57,000 Americans were added to the (non-farm) payrolls in November.... [T]he labour market is still far from strong.... With output roaring away, analysts had expected hiring to move up a gear, adding 150,000 to 200,000 people to the payrolls. Instead, the labour market remains in neutral. There may be a few more jobs than a month ago, but there are also more people to find jobs for. About 140,000 people enter the labour force on average every month.... Output often recovers before employment, because firms hesitate to add to workforces they have just finished cutting. But in most recoveries, this hesitation lasts only about three months. This time round... it lasted a year and a half.... [P]ayroll employment is still 700,000 lower than it was when the recession ended in November 2001....

It may be little consolation to Mr Bush junior, but strong growth coupled with tepid hiring is doing marvellous things to the productivity numbers.... The problem with creative destruction is that the destruction seems to arrive long before the creation.

A puzzle for economists, jobless recoveries are also a conundrum for psephologists, who study presidential elections. We know it's the economy, stupid, but is it growth or jobs that have most bearing on the way people vote?.... Professor Michael Lewis-Beck of the University of Iowa and Charles Tien of Hunter College think unemployment is a more decisive factor. In every election since the second world war, falling unemployment in the spring of election year has foretold victory for the party in charge of the White House...

[Semi-Daily Journal]

You can bet that there will be all sorts of Rovian plans to drive down unemployment for the elections. Never let policy get in the way of getting elected.But you can dribe down the uneployment number with all sorts of trickery that does not get to the underlyig problems. There needs to be 150,000 jobs created EVERY month, just to stay even. 57,000 will not do it. Could be an interesting spring.  4:54:25 PM    

Quotes To Remember

Larry Hardiman. "The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'." [Quotes of the Day]

Saki. "He is one of those people who would be enormously improved by death." [Quotes of the Day]

Chico Marx. "Mustard's no good without roast beef." [Quotes of the Day]

King Edward VIII. "The thing that impresses me the most about America is the way parents obey their children." [Quotes of the Day]

  4:48:43 PM    

Judge orders SCO to show Linux infringement. IBM wins a victory in a legal battle with SCO Group when a judge orders SCO to show the Linux software to which it believes it has rights and point out where it believes IBM is infringing. [CNET News.com - Front Door]

Could SCO start unraveling once they actually have to show exactly what is infringing, instead of just filing lawsuits claiming infringement? What a great business model they have and one that could only work in present day America.  4:08:46 PM    

December 2003
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Last update: 3/27/08; 6:27:10 PM.